Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I was looking over the last few posts and noticed they've all been very heavy and deeply sad.

Hee hee! :)
Not that I feel badly about pouring my emotions here. I don't. In fact, I find powerful relief and comfort in it. Many times when the pain is even too deep for tears, I'll find solice writing it out. And even though I write for myself, I do like knowing you are here. So thanks for listening.

And I wanted to let you know that I'm beginning to feel a little bit better....finally. The leg/hip/back pain has subsided & for two days now I've been able to sleep & think of something other than what might help me feel better. I even went for a walk down our little cul-del-sac tonight. Sweet fresh air! I feel like I can breathe again.
The major problem is still present, and we're still planning another surgery sometime (ugh.) But things are at least at a manageable place again.
Hopefully a happy post or two is in my near future....

1 comment:

  1. I love you! I do read your posts. Sometimes, I can't post a comment though because of time. But, know I do keep up. Thanks for the audio:) Hey, since you didn't go to HF tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house tomorrow evening for some good ol' fashioned girl talk. I could use it. Let me know. I am glad you are feeling better. Love you! btw. Your last post was beautiful. The layout, the content, all beautiful! And your new pic is *very* nice!

