Thought #1.
I have to admit it. The blogging world I discovered thru this crazy outlet--that I tried only because I was going a little mad and had to put my thoughts SOMEWHERE--is way bigger than I ever knew. Holy cow. Let me tell ya, there are some serious, hard-core bloggers out there. A whole sub-culture I had NO idea existed. I still don't completely understand it and I do have a hard time admitting (even to the FEW I let know about this place) that I BLOG. It just seems so cheesy or something. I don't know. But having said that, I really love following along. Some sites are encouraging or inspirational, some funny, some informative, some dealing with the hard stuff of life-like me, and others just chronicle life's simple pleasures. Many are a little strange, but it's fun none the less. It's so crazy that absolutely ANYONE can create a site, get on and talk about themselves all day. But to those who do it well, my hat's off to you and the energy you must spend being consistent and coming up with fresh ideas.
Thought #2. I started a photography class!! It's online and that couldn't be a better fit for me! I can lay down, move at my own pace, ask questions any time, chat with other students, and see their work too. And did I mention I get to lay down to do it?! PERFECT. An answer to prayer and another check off the Faith Poster! Already with the first week I've learned a TON. Stuff that's pretty basic, but still stuff I didn't know when it comes to the composition of shots. It's helped my pictures already. I'm super excited to move forward, and learn about putting the"lingo" (aperture, white balance, and f-stops, OH MY!) into action. And of course, to unleash the potential of my new camera.....and if I'm lucky maybe even a little bit of my own, as well?! ;0)
Thought #3. Dontcha just love it when you have a good book to read? I don't think there is much better than that sweet spot of a great book and a long chunk of time to read it. Add a cup of tea and you've got yourself one fabulous evening. The only problem with being a book lover is that finding a new *really* good one can be a challenge. And I don't ever read past the first few chapters if it's a mediocre book. Why waste my time? But in the past months I've come across two that I've really enjoyed. And when I say enjoyed, I mean the kind of book you kinda can't stop dreaming it about when you're not reading it, and you feel a twinge of loss when the end comes. ;0)
- The first is from my fav Christian fiction author (and I don't have many of those!), Francine Rivers. I La-La-La-LOVE her Mark of the Lion series, and Redeeming Love. SaraRose's name is partly inspired by the main character of that one. Both are classics in the Christian realm. But her newest is called Her Mothers Hope. It's a saga that beautifully traces several generations and the unique relationships between mothers and daughters. It took a chapter or two to really grab me, but I soon grew to care so much about the characters (and identified with so many of the emotions described) I can hardly wait to read the next one that comes out in the fall.
- Then I read an easy breezy book, but I could hardly put it down. It's the true story of a small town library cat, titled Dewey (yes, he was named after the Dewey Decimal System, how cute is that?!) He was found as a kitten almost frozen in the library drop box one winter morning. Let's just say that, Dewey became so popular and touched the world so greatly with his gentle ways and survivor spirit, that when he died it was on announced on CBS, MSNBC and in The Washington Post. Great story; the author (and Library director) wove her own life story in with the town's and explained how Dewey helped to save them both. And it all happened in Iowa, where my husband's from. So it also provided interesting insight for this city girl into the hard-working ways of practical, no-nonsense Iowans. I really liked it, and I'm NOT even a cat person, people. ;o)
Alright, that's all I got tonight, folks. If you're still reading this, wow. I'm suprised. Hope I didn't bore you. :0) Nighty, night!
I love you:)!