So this is my 100th blog post. Wow. Back in 2008, I started writing here because I was very depressed and needed an outlet for my thoughts.
And I remember thinking that once my back got all better it would be neat to go back read how God healed me from such a low place.
Well. That didn't necessarily happen how I thought, now did it? :)
But this blog has still been a soft place to fall and I love that. Even more, it opened my eyes to the others out there who write really, really good ones. This isn't one of those, of course.. but it's mine and I enjoy my little space here.
For this milestone post I thought it'd be fun to write out "100 Things About Me," but that was before I realized what an intimidating feat that would be. Whew!
Nevertheless, I already started the list so I may as well finish.
Here goes nothing--
100 Things About Me
1. Holding warm clothes straight out of the dryer makes me smile.
2. I am pretty much cold all of the time.
3. Laughing so hard I cry is my favorite.
4. That doesn't happen often enough.
5. It makes me happy when my phone bings with a new text message.
6. But I don't like to talk on the phone.
7. I can actually be a little phobic about it. It's odd.
8. My scardey-cat tendencies are EPIC. Always have been.
9. But I've worked on them for a long time, and I am s-l-o-w-ly seeing progress.
10. I have two recurring dreams.
11. One is that I'm in college and I find out there is a Math class I didn't take, therefore I can't graduate. Terrifying, I tell you. TERRIFYING.
12. The other is that I am getting married and I don't know the guy and I don't want to marry him (once it was an Asian man?)...and all I want is to be with Andrew.
13. I don't know my left from my right. And I'm not even kidding.
14. Not knowing your left from right can be quite hazardous when you are alone and following MapQuest directions.
15. I'm a movie lover.
16. I really wish we all could agree to just ignore whatever comes after BlueRay. I really don't want to start my movie collection again.
17. I've found that wearing a hats is a good idea. People comment on how together and fashionable I appear, when really I just skipped showering and doing my hair that day.
18. It's a win, win really. :)
19. Favorite Oscar winning movies include: "Good Will Hunting," "Rain Man," "Forrest Gump," "The Kings Speech" and "Schindler's List."
20. But favorite rom coms are the best for a rainy day: "Return to Me," "You've Got Mail," "Sleepless in Seattle," and "The Holiday."
21. My favorite girly-girl stuff is perfect for those mopey moments when I need something special in my life: "Anne of Green Gables," "Little Women," "Pride and Prejudice," and "Gone with the Wind."
22. I also just discovered "Downton Abbey." Amen.
23. I love having a daughter.
24. And especially get a kick out of how fancy and girly she is.
25. 'Cause I am too.
26. I can't wait to introduce her to some of my favorite movies and books.
27. I am sad that I may not have any more children. I
grieve it.
28. And I worry about SaraRose being an only child.
29. I don't always understand God.
30. But I trust Him anyway.
31. I am descended from a passenger on the Mayflower.
32. His name was Edward Doty; the relation is on my maternal grandmother's side.
33. I enjoy the process of applying make-up and rarely go without it.
34. If I own any clothes that say "dry clean only" it pretty much means they will never be washed.
35. I took piano lessons for seven years and can't play a note.
36. When I quit piano old people told me, "When you grow up, you're going to regret that decision and wish you could play."
37. But I'm grown up now and I don't. Not one bit.
38. And speaking of ill-advised, hilarious childhood efforts...I once attended Basketball Camp.
39. To this day that makes me laugh because I have neither a competitive nor an athletic bone in my body.
40. Suffice it to say that it was a beautiful, redemptive day when I discovered my knack for the Theater. :)
41. I am a middle child.
42. I am also a pastor's daughter.
43. I have
wonderful parents.
44. Only in the last decade or so have I realized what a rare and beautiful gift that is.
45. In fact, I hope I can raise my child as well as my parents did my sisters and me.
46. I think facebook is a fabulous invention.
47. Except for the days that I don't.
48. When I was 16, I saw Tom Cruise place his hands and feet in the cement at the Grauman's Chinese Theater.
49. Also that day, I got Nicole Kidman's autograph. (Um yea, this was back in Ye Olden Days when they were still married.)
50. It was a monumental day for my teenage self (major crush on Tom at the time!)
51. Now I think he's kind of a wackadoodle.
52. But even so, that day goes down as one of my best life memories
53. I am like moth to a flame with a new People Magazine.
54. The only time I'm happy to see a red light in traffic is when I have a text message to finish.
55. I love me a good Bible Study.
56. I worked at Disney World.
57. Right now, my favorite sitcom is "The Big Bang Theory." Bazinga!
58. Rivaling my enjoyment of movies is watching a good television series on DVD.
59. I discovered the genius that is Gilmore Girls and The Office from a DVD marathon.
60. I miss Lorelai and Stars Hollow.
61. 10 years into marriage and I still carry guilt for not finishing my wedding thank you notes.
62. I graduated from Keswick Christian School.
63. And Liberty University.
64. I often wonder if I'll get my Masters Degree someday. Maybe.
65. I have never had my heart broken by a guy, but I have had it broken by a friend.
66. I have a fairly extensive "Gone with the Wind" collection. Old movie scripts, editions, posters and even a pen that reads "Frankly, my dear..." :)
67. Right now, I'm wondering how many more of these I have to come up with!
68. And am hoping you aren't bored to tears wondering the same thing.
Oh well, let's keep going....
69. I often wonder how on the world other people have money to keep up with technology (I certainly don't).
70. I hated Jr. High.
71. Though I can rarely articulate the words properly, I'm a poet at heart.
72. That's probably one reason I have a soft spot for John Denver music. Oh, yes. You heard me.
73. His music fills up my senses like a night in the forest, what can I say?
74. Typing all this stuff out, I'm realizing what a dork I am! (But aren't we all in our own way?!)
75. I thoroughly enjoy a good nap.
76. I've been to Israel and Jordan.
77. I also studied theater in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland one summer.
78. Both trips were awesome.
79. But now I've been to the all the overseas countries I've ever desired to visit, so I guess I'm good now? We'll see.
80. I am an extrovert who loves to meet, talk, laugh and hang with people.
81. But I'm kinda a homebody too.
82. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hut Pepperoni Lovers, stuffed crust.
83. An honest compliment can make my day.
84. Consequently, if I think something nice about a person, I generally try to tell them.
85. I figure, why keep kind stuff to yourself? It might make their day too.
86. I can impersonate Glinda the Good Witch from the "Wizard of Oz."
87. My husband and I met on a blind date.
88. One of my favorite, happiest past times is browsing a bookstore.
89. A good cry always makes me feel better.
90. I'm convinced I drink coffee not because I
love the taste, but more because I enjoy the aroma and the warmth of the mug in my hands.
91. I have had wonderful women mentors in my life. And I am so grateful for that. (Special shout-out to Terrie Scott and Peggy Hinson.)
92. I hope to pay that forward and mentor younger women myself as I grow and live this life.
93. It amazes me that my husband never exaggerates. Like, ever.
94. I, on the other hand, come from a long line of "gushers" who can tend to dramatize stories for effect. (It's a problem. I'm working on it :)
95. I have three major scars (all from surgeries).
96. I can't stand air vents blowing straight on me.
97. Peas and kidney beans totally gross me out.
98. Getting ready in the morning, I try and remind myself that another word for "beautiful" can be "confident."
99. I'm a sucker for a good quote and have a hand-written book of my favorites.
100. Show Tunes complete me.
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap, people! Over and out. ;)