Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our Big Trip

We are back from our visit to see Andrew's family in Iowa. It was such a BIG deal for me push thru and actually make it, but I did....and believe it or not, I THRIVED! Yes, there was lots of back pain to deal with , but it was all worth it. I know people were praying and I actually think God was up there rooting for me too! Because it ended up being just wonderful. A sweet time with family. Just chilling out, watching movies, eating large amounts of food, and chatting about nothing imparticular. And with all I've been thru recently, I recognize the awesome beauty in the "nothing imparticular" moments. I think those are really what it's about and I don't want to take even one for granted. I felt blessed beyond measure just to be there sipping coffee, watching the snow fall, hearing little toddlers play in their footsy pajamas, and feeling the warmth and happiness of a family all together.

And, of course there was the experimenting with my snazzy new camera that added even more joy to the occasion! Here are some of the pictures I took~

I'll start with my favorite from the whole weekend. Just look at these two cousins (in those footsy pj's I mentioned, no less)~ The cozy mornings were the best (and lasted til about 11:00 most days!)~The view out my in-laws back window is so gorgeous all seasons of the year. It makes drinking coffee at the dining room table into something extra special.

Here's the view (and is an example of me gettin fancy with my sepia setting!):

SaraRose was introduced to snow for the first time! She couldn't have loved it more. She would have stayed out there all day if we'd let her.Check out our tiny little snowman. Raisins for eyes and a baby carrot for his nose: And best of all was family. SaraRose got to meet her cousins.We celebrated Andrew's dad's 65th Birthday and RetirementAnd we were just silly!The last day we rode a Carousel in the mall. No kidding, it was the fastest funnest one ever! I told Andrew if I lived near by I'd take a whirl on that thing any time I was feeling down. What a great way to lift your spirits!And then there were the flights to and from. SaraRose got a certificate signed by the Captian himself. Look at that face and how proud she is!

And Andrew and I learned that toddler + airplane + DVD player = the way to go!And before we knew it we were back home in sunny Florida!

1 comment:

  1. I could shed tears looking at these pictures. They are beautiful. God is good, huh?

    On another note: I had a rough week. Got your message, maybe I can call you tomorrow. That camera IS amazing.

