Saturday, February 6, 2010

Looking forward to

Days with a whole lot of nothing to look forward to are beyond tough. In fact, having something to do in your day is crucial to a happy life. The days I've had where one just rolls silently into the other has made me sure of that. You lose track of the weeks, months....just watching others in their normal worlds go by. There is something about being able to get up, get ready, and even run errands most people take for granted or even complain about. I don't think I'll be impatient with things like that ever again. Because I've have had months and months of longing to DO something. Anything. Even take a little walk outside. Yes, being able to DO something, anything, is easily taken for granted. And not being able to feel the sun, turn up radio in the car, decide to swing by and see a friend, or just sensing a little hustle and the bustle quickly sucks a lot of the life out of living.

But I'm excited! For the first time in a long time there are some things coming down the pipeline, for me to look forward to! Here they are:

The biggest venture: Andrew, SaraRose and I are packin it up and going to Iowa! Now, I do understand that going to Iowa in freezing cold FEBRUARY isn't exactly the perfect mix for this Florida family, but it's going to be really great to see family (my brother-in-law's 15 month old twins we've never met) and just be out of town. Like really out of town, like on a plane out of town. I've been stuck in this house for close to two years now, and it's amazing how much energy is infused into my days just thinking about what to pack!

The most helpful: Andrew sold his motorcycle, so we have a little more cash flow every month. He will miss riding it, and I'll miss his little-boy excitement as he tells me about his rides. But having a little more (or, who am I kidding, ANY!) cushion in our bank account has us breathing a sigh of relief.

The most waited/longed for: I got the new camera! Yes, it arrived in the mail yesterday. I am pumped and a little intimidated to learn all it's features and start snapping. But what a great outlet! It is beautiful, sleek and full of endless possibilities! I'll post some pictures I take with it soon.

The most tapping into the inner Kristen: I'm going to see Wicked on Broadway. *dramatic pause* Oh my, I could stand in the middle of my bed and loudly burst out rendition of "Broadway Baby" I'm so excited! Oh the getting dressed up, the first sight of inside the massive theater, the sound of the orchestra warming up, the stage, the glamorous curtain opening, and the lights dimming as the show begins. I get chills every time, and I can't wait!

The most anticipated: Tax return! Oh yea, baby. We wait all year and whenever there's a purchase we need we say,"well, maybe when we get our tax return..." knowing that's a long way away, and there's no guarantee how much we'll actually get. But this year did not disappoint. Nothing crazy, but just enough to be able to pay off some bills and have a little left over if we need it. Good stuff.

I hope you have something to look forward to coming up as well. Even if it's not huge, try to enjoy it as a gift any way!

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