Here are some tips that help me keep perspective and a smile:
Write a Worry List Sometimes our minds get overwhelmed when one thought leads to another worry and so on, and then panic can ensue. Get out a piece of paper and write down every single thing you are worried about. Then, it’s tangible, not just swirling in your head. I've found that after doing so, my mind rests.
Be honest with yourself and others Talk it out with people you know will listen fully and offer the right kind of advice. But be also be wise about those you share lots of details with. There are many that it is best to just give light information, stay positive, and then switch the subject.
Have a pity-party every now and then Sometimes you must mourn the loss of the things you thought you'd have. Every now and then it is healthy to just “go there.” Just try not to allow it to go on for too long.
Do not lose hope It may seems silly, but make a goal board to pray over and look at. Click here to view the one I did. Always remember that there is a good plan for your life. "Never, never, never give up." --Winston Churchill
Take one day at a time Nothing that has helped me more than living this out.
Do what you can to help your caregivers It’s easy when you need so much from other all the time to just “shut down” and let them do everything. But figure out what you can do and make yourself get up and do it.
Let it go There is so much you want to do and can’t. But don’t let yourself wallow in the “if only” game. Things cannot be how you want them exactly, and that is just the way it is right now. And who knows? Maybe that’s a good lesson to learn anyway. Being God is way above our pay level anyway.
Figure out what's working and what’s not For about a week, randomly 3 different times in your day rate your stress level on a scale of one to ten. If the level is over 5, figure out what it is that is causing the pressure. (Writing down what you are doing at the time and the level will help you assess even more.) Over the week, you’ll see some patterns and will maybe able to make some changes to help you in your times of most stress.
Keep perspective: I have tend to have an idealistic view of life and believe I am losing out on everything. Some if that is true. But it is also true that is there is much to be thankful for, much I have that others would long to have, and what I think I am missing out on is in reality not as bad as I my mind makes it out to be.
Don’t be afraid to ask for prayer and encouragement
Do not let this lick you Choose to happy. Do not let the pain win. Some days you have to “behave your way to success” as Dr. Phil would say. No spouse wants to come home to a sad partner day in and day out, regardless of the circumstances. So choose joy.