That's really why I've been gone.
And I still don't want to talk about it!
So, if you don't mind...I need to give myself permission to not pour out every single issue with my back on here for a while. If something big happens, I will (probably) post about it, but until then I need the freedom to talk about other things.
So, let me show you the Photo Book I just completed for last year!
A little background: it just so happens that since Andrew and I met, I've kept photo albums every year. It started as simply as me loving to take pictures and just needing a place to put them. But since we are going on 12 YEARS married next July, my annual albums are quite an impressive feat! And very fun to look back on and remember.
Last year was the first time I did it digitally and it turned out great. Working online works well for me since I spend way more time than the average 34 year old woman resting in bed.
I worked crazy hard on this one, I'm not gonna lie. :) But I was really happy with the way it turned out. Can't wait to get it in the mail. Take a look!
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