Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Fun Opportunity, All Because of this Here Blog

It was kind of funny. A few months ago, I noticed a comment on here from a sweet lady named Rhonda who said she'd like to discuss a writing opportunity with me, so if I was interested would I please email her?

For a split second I thought "hmmmm...that'd be cool!" then I quickly wrote if off assuming that since (by design) I do not promote this blog nor do I have any sort of huge following, it was probably nothing.

But later, my one consistent blog commenter (*waving* Hi Katie!! :) had seen the comment too and asked me about it. So I decided to send an email, just in case....
And lo and behold, it was for real!  Rhonda is the editor of a Heart Magazine and she had seen my little story and video about memorizing Psalm 139 and asked if I'd be interested in writing an article for about how the Psalms have shaped my life. 
Well, I'll be...
What a wonderful time I had doing it! I really, truly do have quite a tale to tell about this, and I am thrilled for the opportunity to share it. 
Thank you, Rhonda.  This was so fun, and your magazine is awesome. God's continued blessing to you and yours.

You can read my article at the link below on pages 8-10: (it may take a sec to download...)
